After striking out again, you’ve decided to stop interviewing for positions and create your opportunity yourself. By attending networking events around the city and interacting with industry professionals, you’ve learned that although networking was intimidating, it was an essential experience. It challenged you to speak up, meet new people, and engage them in spirited conversation about your marketing journey, professional and personal goals. Your confidence received a much-needed boost which helped you look past your doubts and insecurities to consider new paths and possibilities that await you in the years ahead. As the semester winds down, you realize your professional image still needs work. If you’re wondering what to do next, maybe it’s time to start working on your brand.
Reputation X defines personal branding as a method to establish yourself as a leader and authority in your space. In other words, it’s everything you do to communicate your value and talents to the world. Since you’re just starting, one approach to start developing your personal branding could be a professional stationary package. You could include a business card, letterhead, and mailing labels all adorned with your logo and contact information.
With new trends and technological advancements emerging daily, it’s going to be a challenge as the pace of change can be overwhelming. Trends come and go, so remember what Dick Clark once said, “I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.”
Strategically placed keywords can resonate with the audience and drive traffic to your website. The content you create can help you build a relationship with the audience and be one of the resources they visit for trusted advice. Off-page SEO-like backlinks give your business the credibility to make your website rank higher than it would without them.
You conquered your fear of public speaking, and while it may return from time to time, now you know success is and always has been in your hands all along.