It’s not easy to admit that imposter syndrome hits us all from time to time. It’s that nagging sensation that shoots to the front of your thoughts as you go about your workday until it’s all you hear: that you are a fraud and don’t belong here. It’s a belief rooted in self-doubt and fear that somehow you, yes you, just lucked out, in getting where you are today. This self-impression utterly disregards your talents, your skills and all the other attributes that make you successful. Shelly Elsliger, a LinkedIn Express Coach, points out how this plays out on LinkedIn but it’s an issue that occurs online and offline. To overcome imposter syndrome and squash down self-doubt, it takes serious acknowledgment and then some that’ll require practice, progress and patience.
Who exactly came up with the terminology of imposter syndrome and why is that important? Not only does it showcase some serious brainpower taking the phenomenon seriously, but it also shows that it’s been around longer than you think. Discussed by clinical psychologists Pauline Clance and Suzanna Imes in 1978, imposter syndrome was described as “an experience of feeling incompetent and of having deceived others about one's abilities.” In their research, they particularly observed this in many college students and young professionals and dove into figuring out how it worked.
They broke down imposter syndrome in a variety of levels such as fear of failure, the luck factor, the desire to stand out, not living up to others’ expectations and then the flip side of not accepting others’ recommendations. All of that boils down to feeling like a fraud. With so many root causes, it’s no wonder that many experience this at one point or another. Like Lupita Nyong’o, you know the Oscar-winning actress who still admits to experiencing it despite having that golden statue on her mantle. The bottom line: by identifying where your imposter syndrome lies, you’ve taken the first step into reclaiming your narrative.
Imposter syndrome doesn’t stop at the doors of your workplace. It can manifest in many areas of your life which might make it difficult to show the best sides of you. For your professionalism, how to market yourself properly online is key. Online isn’t just a space where we go to unwind anymore. It’s also where we go to network ourselves and with others. Feeling like a fraud and not being confident in what you have to offer might be stopping you from building that online portfolio you’ve always wanted or even completing your LinkedIn profile.
Shelly discusses this in her video series and how imposter syndrome might make capable and talented professionals limit themselves to either just the ‘like’ option or not say anything at all. There’s probably someone out there who’s already said what you said, right? Why bother? Here’s the rub: your voice may just be one among millions but that’s what makes it unique. Your perspective is yours alone. Your content is worthy of sharing and someone out there will definitely resonate with it. You might not ever know but it’s better than leaving it a definite blank slate with zero chances of discoverability.
Don’t forget the perils of the online world: not everybody is as they seem. Find the balance of being genuinely you and you’ll find that self-doubt shed away bit by bit.
With all that in mind, here are a few other ways of coping next time you start calling yourself a fraud. Try a few different methods to see what works best for you so you can say goodbye to all that self-doubt.
For online imposter syndrome, Shelly encourages asking questions from fellow connections on content ideas you may have. If you’re afraid to post an article, tagging a few colleagues might make that seem less daunting. Maybe they’ll even be open to further collaboration and that’ll motivate you to put it out there once and for all. You never know if someone is willing to help out if you don’t bother asking in the first place.
We all know the value of networking lies in not only potential job opportunities but also the genuine connection you create with others. If you’ve found yourself in a virtual coffee chat with someone you truly admire and respect, maybe it’s time to ask that tough question. It’s going to be intimidating, uncomfortable and above all, extremely vulnerable. Remember that imposter syndrome loves making us feel that we’re alone in our experience and that everyone else has their life together. By talking about it with others you regain some ground and that fear you had? It’s like hot air escaping a balloon.
Don't think about others as competition, think more about collaboration. Those people are the people that can help you build your content.
—Shelly Elsliger
The next time a situation arises where you find yourself alone with your self-doubt, take a breath. Imposter syndrome is a state of mind which means you have the ability to reframe your mindset. We understand that sometimes we can be our own worst critics but only give that voice a small stage. Remind yourself that not only did you build the theatre, but you own it. You’re worthy of what’s to come because you’ve worked for it.
With new trends and technological advancements emerging daily, it’s going to be a challenge as the pace of change can be overwhelming. Trends come and go, so remember what Dick Clark once said, “I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.”
Strategically placed keywords can resonate with the audience and drive traffic to your website. The content you create can help you build a relationship with the audience and be one of the resources they visit for trusted advice. Off-page SEO-like backlinks give your business the credibility to make your website rank higher than it would without them.
You conquered your fear of public speaking, and while it may return from time to time, now you know success is and always has been in your hands all along.