February 03, 2025 3 min read


In the dynamic world of marketing, understanding the nuances of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can set you apart. SEO, as defined by Business Development Canada, involves using techniques to elevate a company’s website ranking on search engines. [1] By ranking higher, the company’s website will attract more visitors, increase page views, and generate more organic traffic to its pages. SEO is essential if you want to be successful in marketing. Next, we’ll explore the five essential elements of SEO, along with practical tips to turbocharge your marketing journey.


Strategically placing commonly searched keywords will increase your chances of being found online. According to an article called “What is SEO & Why is it Important?” brands use keywords to reach people actively searching for their products and services. [2] Let’s say you wrote a blog about opening your own publishing business called, The Publishing House. You could mention the different “hats” you wear from visionary to sales and marketing, as keywords representing different aspects you perform for your business to be successful. These keywords may resonate with other entrepreneurs trying to get their businesses off the ground and drive traffic to your website, getting your company name out there.


Google Keyword Planner can help you find relevant keywords.


You can’t just post anything. You need content that will drive traffic, inspire and resonate with your audience. You need content that fits your company and the type of business you are running. In this example your business is publishing books from writers in your community, so you might publish a blog on how to choose a topic for your first novel or 5 steps to get your book published. Writers may come to trust your website and the advice you share. 


Create a content calendar to track content.

Off-Page SEO

According to a blog on Web-Hosting Canada, Off-page SEO can help improve your ranking and visibility on search engines. [3] When you post content on your website, other pages may link back to your content (backlinking), implying that your content is strong enough that others would find it valuable and helpful. A blog on Semrush called “Types of Backlinks: Which Ones Help Your Website?” says backlinks from reputable sources [4] for example, local authors will give your business, The Publishing House, the credibility it needs to rank higher. 


Connect with local writing groups to collaborate.

Local SEO

Mailchimp’s article titled, “What is Local SEO, and How Does It Work?” defines it as a strategy that will increase visibility and make your business stand out on local results on search engines like Google. [5] Local SEO allows the community to find your company, The Publishing House when they search for local publishers in the area. 


Your contact information should be consistent online.

Search Engine Marketing

Forbes defines search engine marketing (SEM) as using paid advertising to improve how potential customers find your product or service with search engines. [6] SEM could help you grow your publishing house business as it allows you to use paid advertisements so your business will appear next to more established businesses, making your company stand out and getting your name out to those who need your services. 


Test copy to see what resonates with your audience.

Why SEO Should Matter

So, why should SEO matter? Strategically placed keywords can resonate with the audience and drive traffic to your website. The content you create can help you build a relationship with the audience and be one of the resources they visit for trusted advice. Off-page SEO-like backlinks give your business the credibility to make your website rank higher than it would without them. Local SEO will help the surrounding areas find your products or services when they need them. Search engine marketing gets your name out to those who need what you have to offer. Now, you should have a clear idea of how SEO can help a business grow and thrive, and if not, remember, Albert Einstein once said, “If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it enough.”


[1] “Search engine optimization (SEO)” Business Development Canada, https://www.bdc.ca/en/articles-tools/entrepreneur-toolkit/templates-business-guides/glossary/search-engine-optimization

[2] “What Is SEO & Why Is It Important?” Digital Marketing Institute, 17 July 2024, https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/what-is-seo-and-why-is-it-important

[3] "Beginner’s Guide to Off-Page SEO & Link Building" Web Hosting Canada, 15 July 2019, https://whc.ca/blog/beginners-guide-to-off-page-seo-and-link-building/#:~:text=Off%2Dpage%20SEO%20involves%20activities,appropriately%20referred%20to%20as%20backlinking.

[4] "Types of Backlinks: Which Ones Help Your Website?" Semrush, 24 April 2024, https://www.semrush.com/blog/types-of-backlinks/?kw=&cmp=CA_SRCH_DSA_Blog_EN_Voyantis&label=dsa_pagefeed&Network=g&Device=c&utm_content=676606881599&kwid=dsa-2185834089536&cmpid=21516275696&agpid=170642720092&BU=Core&extid=136724624282&adpos=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmOm3BhC8ARIsAOSbapWGX93MoAQ5bopPEk9aboxy-TR1I4-ZeWCV4NvvLlTcDYzw1CoyPRQaAnSxEALw_wcB

[5] “What is Local SEO, and How Does It Work?” Intuit Mailchimp, https://mailchimp.com/resources/what-is-local-seo/

[6] “The Ultimate Guide To Search Engine Marketing (SEM) In 2025” Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/search-engine-marketing-sem/#what_is_search_engine_marketing_section

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