The relationship of sales and marketing is intrinsically combined and only succeeds if the balance is just right. For Jason-Tyler Edwards, he knows the weight of polished sales skills and is looking forward to connecting it to his future marketing career.
From an early age, I would say I have always been a leader. When I was running for student council in middle school, thanks to my successful campaign I was elected Prime Minister of the Student Body. Also, being an effective public speaker, I was chosen to represent my school at the Halton Public Speaking Championship and selected as a finalist for my creative speech on hand signs. I now use these skills to motivate my co-workers and aid them in achieving their goals.
Being a competitive person has helped me in my professional development. I enjoy improving on prior successes and am always setting new goals. I find that with instantaneous feedback from others, my motivation increases and pushes me to continue to excel and innovate. My interest in marketing lies in the fact that there are various ways of presenting and selling a product or service. As a creative person who loves to craft appealing content and design innovative messages, I see marketing as the perfect environment for my talents.
I’m currently a full-time Sales Consultant at Bell where I use my interpersonal and collaborative skills. I have been the top sales consultant for many months and have received three Impact Awards. These awards were given to me in recognition of my outstanding sales, team-building skills and for consistently going above and beyond, especially during Small Business Customer Appreciation week.
This position has strengthened my sales skills immensely. During our Black Friday event, when most phones and services are discounted, we ran out of products before the day had come to an end. A small business customer walked into the store expecting to purchase four new iPhones and cellular plans. The customer drove for hours just to get to the Bell Store. Being mindful of my customer’s needs, I took the appropriate steps to find a solution.
I made a call to Virgin Plus, our sister store to see if they had any more iPhones in stock. Luckily, they did so I literally ran over to their store to collect them. Not only was the customer very pleased, but he was also so happy he purchased extended warranties, cases, and screen protectors. I gave this small business customer my card and have established a working relationship built on trust, which still exists to this day. In the future, I know that he will continue to be an excellent contact, someone who will be willing to aid my continued growth and success as I build my career in the business world.
I want to leave an indelible impression on the marketing industry through unique eye-catching advertisements and commercials that not only grab people’s attention but also get them to feel something for the product or service being advertised. Like Steve Jobs, I would like my legacy to be one where I have enhanced the quality of people’s lives.
For example, Tesla caused the auto industry to adapt and increase demand for electric vehicles. Thanks to their efforts; they made electric vehicles ‘cool’. Now, with the massive shift to e-commerce, we’re seeing a huge impact in today’s business world. Many businesses, like Tesla, are shifting their e focus to online marketplaces with broad appeal. As I climb up the ranks in the workforce, I will continue to use critical thinking skills to solve problems like this, quickly and efficiently under pressure.
My dream job would be to become a social media strategist because of the creative element involved. By creating relatable content for your audience, you drive increased engagement. I enjoy this very much and have experience already through the curation of my own YouTube channel. I manage it in my spare time, marketing it through social promotions on all major social media platforms. Thanks to that, my most popular video has over 65,000 hits. I am always excited to reach and surpass targets.
Obama in my opinion is one of the greatest marketers and salesmen in the world. When he won the presidency, it was a very special moment for me. Not only because he was the first Black President of the United States but also because of the path he took to get to the Presidency. He conveyed an important message of hope and change in a calm, cool and collected manner. The persuasive manner in which he delivered his message was so convincing, he was able to persuade people of all political stripes to join together and make history by electing him as the 44th President of the United States of America.
For many years, Black people have been seen as an inferior class. The fact that Obama occupied the highest office in the free world for two consecutive terms (eight whole years) is a great source of inspiration. This has given me a new lease on life, not just because of his policies, but because it meant that anything is possible, even for people who have historically been marginalized. Obama’s journey demonstrates that hard work and belief in oneself are important characteristics on the road to success which is often paved with struggles, uncertainties and a plethora of obstacles.
These are the traits of an effective marketer. Obama’s efforts to help young minorities by investing in their futures have resulted in the launch of ‘My Brothers Keeper’an organization that creates opportunities for young boys and girls regardless of their backgrounds. My favourite quote from Obama is:
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
— Barack Obama
With new trends and technological advancements emerging daily, it’s going to be a challenge as the pace of change can be overwhelming. Trends come and go, so remember what Dick Clark once said, “I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.”
Strategically placed keywords can resonate with the audience and drive traffic to your website. The content you create can help you build a relationship with the audience and be one of the resources they visit for trusted advice. Off-page SEO-like backlinks give your business the credibility to make your website rank higher than it would without them.