September 03, 2024 2 min read

Intrigue the Customer

Whether you’re in an intense advertising/marketing program, fresh out of school, or in your first role, it’s your responsibility to learn what your company offers. Learning a product line takes time, but it’s vital to uncover sweet spots and intrigue the customer. If you’re trying to wrap your head around what your company offers, these steps might help:


First, gather all the available material for your organization’s products, including brochures, catalogues, websites, and internal documentation. Next, familiarize yourself with descriptions, features, advantages, benefits, and uses for each. Review manuals and documentation, which can help you gain in-depth knowledge. Take advantage of training sessions or workshops to acquire hands-on experience and gather insights. 

Dig deeper

While it can feel intimidating, it’s crucial to take advantage of the resources and experience around you. Don’t hesitate to ask colleagues, mentors, or company experts questions about the product(s) you are researching. They will undoubtedly have knowledge you can learn from. You need to know the target customer for each product.


Practice selling the product by role-playing with a colleague (like personal selling) through demonstrations, handling objections, and closing. Gather feedback from potential customers and colleagues to better understand what could potentially be improved. Test your knowledge by explaining the products’ features. Since product lines change frequently, review and refresh your knowledge because as you may have heard, staying up to date in marketing is crucial.

Hearts and Minds

Whether you’re an aspiring marketer, a student, or a recent graduate, the more successful the company, the more there is to learn. Successfully championing your company’s products begins with a relentless commitment to understanding the offerings. While it may seem daunting, developing strong knowledge about your organization’s products and services will help you craft stories that sell the benefits of a product/service and position it favourably in the hearts and minds of your audience. As Jay Abraham once said, Companies thrive on the basis of the stories they tell.

Want more marketing career tips? Engage with us on LinkedIn or sign-up at CMA NXT to unlock free access to our exclusive video platform and subscribe to our biweekly e-newsletter. 

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