As a young marketer or student, you've likely encountered this scenario: you present your first idea with enthusiasm, only to hear your professor or mentor say, "That's only the first layer of the onion" or "Dig deeper." It's a challenging moment, especially when you realize your idea mirrors what 90% of your peers came up with. This is when it's time to embrace the art of starting from scratch - a crucial skill that can set you apart in your quest for that first marketing job.
In today's fast-paced marketing world, employers are looking for candidates who can think creatively and solve problems innovatively. Starting from scratch isn't about discarding your work; it's about refining your process. It's the difference between a good idea and a great one. When you find yourself at this crossroads, arm yourself with a pen, pad, keyboard, and monitor. Prepare to dive deeper into the creative process.
As a junior marketer, you'll often be tasked with creating campaign ideas, analyzing market trends, or developing content strategies. Here's how the skill of starting from scratch applies:
You need to find the sweet spot, the invisible thread in the fabric that connects to the customer Research will set you on the right path toward finding or uncovering an insight. Uncovering insights will help you discover an idea that genuinely resonates with the people you’re trying to reach. Here are some questions to keep in mind while you start your customer research:
Now that you understand the importance of starting from scratch, deep customer research, and insight discovery, it's time to apply these concepts to your work:
Remember, the most successful marketers are those who can consistently uncover and act on meaningful customer insights. By mastering this skill, you'll set yourself apart in the competitive world of marketing.
Insights might come to you while walking the dog, hanging out with friends, or watching a movie. But when it does, you'll know. You'll have an idea born from research and a deep understanding of the product or service—one that truly connects with your customers' wants and needs. Sometimes, the most powerful insights come directly from your customers. With real insight, your original idea becomes the first layer driving your creative thinking forward. As motivational speaker Jim Rohn wisely said, “Labour gives birth to ideas.”
By mastering the art of starting from scratch, you're not just preparing for your first marketing job - you're laying the foundation for a successful, innovative career in marketing. Remember, in a field where everyone has access to the same tools and data, your ability to dig deep, uncover unique insights, and translate them into creative strategies will be your greatest asset.
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With new trends and technological advancements emerging daily, it’s going to be a challenge as the pace of change can be overwhelming. Trends come and go, so remember what Dick Clark once said, “I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them.”
Strategically placed keywords can resonate with the audience and drive traffic to your website. The content you create can help you build a relationship with the audience and be one of the resources they visit for trusted advice. Off-page SEO-like backlinks give your business the credibility to make your website rank higher than it would without them.
You conquered your fear of public speaking, and while it may return from time to time, now you know success is and always has been in your hands all along.