June 20, 2022 2 min read

While pursuing your education, you might be apprehensive, wondering if you have the skills to apply for a coveted position in a renowned marketing department. Since the marketing profession is constantly changing and evolving, here’s a brief list of essential skills every future marketer should have or at the very least gain.


Problem-solving could be one of the most valuable skills to have, allowing you to find solutions to problems in any role. Even when you change positions, you take that skill with you.


Communication skills go beyond speaking to management, customers, and co-workers. Whether it's through a radio spot, social media post, or email, you must be able to effectively communicate through the mediums you choose. The way you deliver your message will make all the difference in how it reaches and resonates with your audience.


Creative thinking is an essential skill you must continue to develop as you progress throughout your career. You will need to think quickly to create new and innovative ideas that resonate with your customers and catch the attention of your target audience.


Public Speaking

Getting your message across to a group isn’t easy, and it will require a lot of practice and preparation to find the right words to illustrate and sell your idea. Public speaking is crucial in marketing, so practice regularly, and you’ll get better.


According to the article The Top Skills Marketers Need To Acquire on Forbes.com, marketers should be naturally curious about aligning their work with their organization’s goals and objectives. In other words, marketers should be interested in how their efforts contribute to the organization achieving a goal.



Be prepared to work in teams and make every effort to flourish in a team-based environment. According to the article mentioned above, as marketing teams continue to grow, teamwork and collaboration become even more essential to ensure results are delivered effectively and efficiently. 


You must be able to write compelling stories the target audience can identify with and appreciate. Using terminology or “lingo” the audience actively uses will help you connect. Writing concisely and eliminating jargon will tighten your copy and prevent you from writing more than you should.


According to skillsyouneed.com, analytical skills are important to a marketer because they allow you to see where your campaigns are successful and where you need to make adjustments. Insights can lead you to that nugget of information that could be the seed which sprouts your next big idea.

As mentioned earlier, the marketing profession is constantly evolving with new regulations and best practices. However, your journey as a marketer will not end once you land your first, second, or third role. Marketers need to continue to enhance their skills to compete. These skills are just a few layers from the onion. Becoming a marketer means challenging yourself to a lifelong journey of learning new skills and developing new methods to approach marketing problems. Are you up to the challenge?

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